The Matanzas School UFO sighting is a captivating event that occurred on September 10, 1996, in Matanzas, Cuba. This incident is particularly notable because it involved numerous young witnesses, adding a unique dimension to the case and making it a significant topic in UFO research.
On that day, students at a local school in Matanzas observed a strange object in the sky. The sighting gained immediate attention due to the sheer number of children who reported seeing the UFO. Their descriptions were detailed and consistent, which added to the credibility of the sightings.
Witness Accounts
The young witnesses, ranging from elementary to middle school students, described seeing the object over the school playground during recess. Many of the students provided remarkably similar accounts, despite their ages and levels of understanding about aerial phenomena. They reported seeing the object over several days, indicating that it was not a one-time occurrence.
The children's descriptions included the shape of the object, its movements, and its behavior. The object was often described as resembling a helicopter but without visible blades. This detail was significant because it highlighted the children's ability to distinguish between familiar objects, like helicopters, and the unusual craft they observed.
Description of the Object
The object was described as saucer-shaped with a distinctive set of lights around its perimeter. Witnesses noted that it appeared to hover silently above the school, an unusual characteristic that further distinguished it from conventional aircraft. The object’s ability to hover and maneuver in ways that seemed technologically advanced fascinated both the children and the adults who later heard their accounts.
Several students drew pictures of the UFO, which provided visual evidence of their experiences. These drawings showed remarkable similarities, suggesting that the children had indeed seen the same object. The sketches resembled the classic "flying saucer" shape, a common motif in UFO sightings worldwide.
15-20 minutes
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