In March 2018, a compelling UFO encounter occurred in Cleveland, Texas, involving a woman identified only as Bee, who had been practicing CE5 (Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind) meditation techniques with reportedly positive results prior to the incident. The event began around 11 PM when Bee, while walking home, first noticed a faint light visible just above a roofline. As she continued walking and rounded a corner, she obtained a clearer view of what appeared to be a plasma-like ball of "diamond white light" hovering approximately 75 feet above the ground, emanating a broad beam of light that seemed to be scanning the area below.
The encounter took an even more extraordinary turn when the luminous phenomenon appeared to react to Bee's presence, suddenly focusing its attention directly on her. According to her account, the previously wide beam of light narrowed dramatically into what she described as a laser-like focus, directed specifically at her feet. What followed represents a significant period of missing time, as Bee's next conscious memory was of waking up in her bed the following morning, still fully clothed including her shoes - a detail that suggests she did not prepare for bed in her usual manner. This case contains several notable elements seen in other UFO encounters, including the presence of searching lights, apparent consciousness or awareness from the luminous object, and missing time.
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