In 2014, a Chilean Navy helicopter captured footage of an unidentified object while on a routine patrol mission along the coast. The helicopter, equipped with an infrared camera, detected the object flying at a constant speed and similar altitude. The crew observed the object visually and on the camera, noting its cylindrical shape and the emission of some sort of gas or liquid.
The infrared video showed the object flying at approximately 130 knots and at an altitude of around 1.4 kilometers. The object emitted what appeared to be gas or liquid twice before disappearing into the clouds. The footage captured by the helicopter was of high quality and became the focal point of an extensive investigation by CEFAA, the Chilean government’s UFO agency. Despite thorough analysis, no conventional explanation was found for the object.
In January 2017, after a two-year investigation, the Chilean government released the declassified footage to the public. The release garnered international attention and sparked widespread debate among UFO enthusiasts and researchers.
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