The Samuel Eaton Thompson UFO encounter on March 28, 1950, is an intriguing episode in early UFO history. Samuel Eaton Thompson, a retired railroad worker in his 70s, claimed to have had an extraordinary experience while driving home to Centralia, Washington.
According to Thompson, he stumbled upon a large, flying saucer in the woods, which was about 80 feet (24 meters) across and 30 feet (9 meters) tall. As he approached, he noticed two deeply tanned children playing near the craft's entrance ramp. Soon, several naked, deeply tanned adults appeared at the door of the saucer. Thompson described the crew as consisting of 20 adults and 25 children, all of whom were humanoid in appearance.
Thompson claimed that he spent the next 40 hours with these beings. He learned that they were from Venus and had stopped at Earth despite previous Venusian saucers being shot at by Earth's military forces. During his time with them, Thompson was told that all of Earth's problems stemmed from astrology, that the Venusians were vegetarian and never grew ill, and that he was the first of many Earthlings who would meet these visitors. He also claimed they revealed that Jesus Christ would return in 10,000 AD.
Despite his detailed account, Thompson's story did not gain widespread publicity at the time and was often regarded as outlandish. Nevertheless, his encounter remains a notable case in the annals of UFO history and has been the subject of various investigations and discussions.
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