On November 12, 1887, off the coast of Cape Race, Newfoundland, Canada, an extraordinary event took place that has intrigued researchers and enthusiasts of unexplained phenomena for over a century. The incident involved the crew of the Siberian, a British steamer, who witnessed a mysterious and luminous object emerge from the sea.
At around midnight, the ship's crew observed a large, spherical object rising from the ocean's surface. The object glowed with an intense, almost blinding light, variously described as being white or yellowish. This immense sphere ascended to an estimated height of 50 feet (about 16 meters) above the water, hovering silently and emitting an otherworldly luminescence.
The object then began to move against the wind, a detail that stood out to the observers as particularly strange and counterintuitive to any known natural phenomena or man-made technology of that era. The sphere approached the Siberian, drawing the awe and apprehension of the crew, before suddenly darting off at high speed towards the southeast, disappearing into the distance.
The entire encounter lasted approximately five minutes. Despite its brevity, the sighting left a lasting impression on the crew, who reported the event upon their arrival.
Five minutes
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